“The basis of optimism is sheer terror.”

Oscar Wilde

I’m glad you’re here.

This website is where I keep and share articles, thoughts, and links on my favorite problems. The world is becoming more digital and less centralized. We are bombarded every day with more information, more connections and more choices. Here’s my way of keeping it all organized and working for me - a work in progress I don't ever expect to be complete


I believe in the power of simplification.

At the moment my favorite problems include:

  • Personal finance → Income generation
  • Physical and mental fitness → Health
  • Organization → Productivity
  • Family → Education

I find our moment in history fascinating because technology has the power to either break us by short circuiting thousands of years of human evolution, or to enable us to reach a level of success and fulfillment on an individual and societal level our ancestors could only dream of.

I choose the latter.

All knowledge is connected. I use Notion to collect the specific, critical areas of learning so that I can incorporate them into projects, reviews or even just make connections between them.
I also use Notion track my habits, projects, events and goals for the year. Below are my Monthly review stats. For 2021 my goals are to average over 100 reps per day and over 70% habits.

The Dojo
