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Rules of Thumb

Skew Lambda

Average move vs 1 SD Move

  • Doc: Probability Density Function (PDF) of a normal distribution follows 1/2pi* some stuff. To get log normal you have to transform but pi remains.
  • So if you know what the sigma is, you can find the average move using the PDF:
  • Avg=σ2/π.798\color{white} Avg = \sigma * \underbrace{\sqrt{2/\pi}}_{\text{.798}}

  • Related, ATM Straddle in dollars is spot price * .8 * vol * sqrt(252/days of straddle)

Delta vs ITM Probability

In Black Scholes: The term for delta is N(d1). The term for the probability of finishing in the money is N(d2). What’s the relationship between d2 and d1?

D2=D1σtD2 = D1 - \sigma\sqrt{t} The math defines the relationship we figured out intuitively:

The higher the volatility the more delta and probability will diverge!

Delta and probability are only similar when an option is near expiration or when it’s vol is “low”.”

Butterflies, Straddles and 50d Options

Interesting Observations About Options

  • Even in a continuous distribution, the higher the volatility, the more positively skewed the distribution, the further OTM the 50d call strike lives.
  • The cheapest straddle will occur at the median outcome or the ATM strike (should be 50d strikes?)
  • The most expensive butterfly will have its “body” near the theoretical mode. This makes sense since a butterfly which is just a spread of 2 vertical spreads is a pure bet on the distribution. If you chart the price of all the butterflies equidistantly across strikes you will have drawn the probability density function implied by the options market

Variance Drain

  • The higher the variance, the lower the median and mode! The distribution gets “squished to the left” as the probability the stock declines increases in exchange for a longer right tail like we saw during the dotcom days.
    • The median expected stock price is S – .5 * variance.
    • The mode is S – 1.5*variance.

Variance Equations

Variance Equation Cheat Sheet

Vol Drag

Geo Return = Arithmetic Return - 1/2 * Vol squared

Index Correlation

  • The average cross-correlation of stocks in an index can be approximated by the ratio of index variance to average weighted stock variance.
  • Assume index vol 17, avg stock vol 33
  • Using our estimates (.17^2) / (.33^2) = .27 which is in the ballpark of where long term average SP500 index correlations have realized
  • Although option folks know how spikey that number can be, especially on short measures

Vol Regime Evidence

Vol vs 2-10 Yr Spreads

Monte Carlo Simulation

Here, for your notes -Doc

If X and Y are correlated (retunrs) and you want to simulate with Monte Carlo, say.

Given X(t) and Y(t), pick 2 independent standard normal variables W1 & W2

X(t+dt) = X(t)*(1 + (r – repoX))*dt) + X(t)*volX*W1*sqrt(dt)

Y(t + dt) = Y(t)*( 1 + (r – repoY))*dt) + Y(t)*volY*(W1*rho + W2*sqrt(1 – rho^2))*sqrt(dt)

This is the most simple way. Don’t worry about the exponentials.

Probability Density Functions

  • The
Rebalancing Portfolio of Long Volmacrocephalopod (@macrocephalopod) Tweeted: I thought about power perpetuals a bit more and I really like the design. If price of the underlying goes S to S’ and back to S, price of the power perp also round-trips (unlike a leveraged token, which has a lower price in this scenario because it rebalances to higher leverage)Ben Eofert Hedge Ratioben eiffert volgaSelect content from the quant and vol communityThink Like a Market Maker — Understanding Implied Volatility | by Harel Jacobson | Mar, 2022 | MediumNotes on The Laws Of TradingMoontower on Gamma - Party at the MoontowerWeighting dispersionThe Gamma Of Levered ETFs - Party at the MoontowerVariance and VIX FormulasMoontower Quant CodexInvestment Blogs I Read