Mac Key Symbols

This is a list of the keys and their symbols:

⎋ Escape

⇥ Tab forward

⇤ Tab back

⇪ Capslock

⇧ Shift

⌃ Control(this is the one you are looking for)

⌥ Option (Alt, Alternative)

⌘ Command

␣ Space

⏎ Return

↩ Return

⌫ Delete back

⌦ Delete forward

⇱ Home

↖ Home

↸ Home

⇲ End

↘ End

⇞ Pageup

⇟ Pagedown

↑ Up arrow

⇡ Up arrow

↓ Down arrow

⇣ Down arrow

← Left arrow

⇠ Left arrow

→ Right arrow

⇢ Right arrow

⌧ Clear

⇭ Numberlock

⌤ Enter

⏏ Eject

⌽ Power