Frameworks for Development

Frameworks for Development

Comparing Frameworks for Self-Development: A Conversation with Joe Hudson - Forte Labs

Victim - Things Happen to Me

Manifester - I do things

Channeler - Things happen through me

Being - The thing is me

These can be fluid and contextual. Sometimes this is linear, sometimes this is circular. Even trying to say where you are on this is a trap because its self referential. Frameworks are great and are also traps. It’s a map but not the terrain. Like the two slot experiment in physics. Confusing and never know where you are.

Can't get past manifester (Tony Robbins level) if you are the one doing it, which is against self development by default. Have to get past I will, should, trying etc. The critical voice needs to go down, let things happen, ego will stop the progress at this point. Also realize while you have to get past Manifestation, even that makes no sense, you aren't doing it. But it must happen.

So this is why you call it self realization, or understanding self, etc. Just words but have to get past the idea of you doing anything or thinking about free will in the normal way.

Why do the work of self development? There’s a joy, ease. But can be painful. You become sensitive to stuff

It could cost you everything though. The metaphor is its like death. Ego must go. External world will change because of this. You might have spent entire life as a businessman and learn that means nothing and drop it all.

Joy is the natural state, you have to let go to get there. Let go of everything.

Paradox of framework is “letting go” not really compatible with creating a laid out plan.

Joe’s words can barely even start to explain these concepts. Don’t need intellectualization for say, going to the restroom. This is the same. Zen saying it’s the finger not the moon.

  • Even calling intellect is a framework. But intellectual can be beautiful, amazing.

On right track:

1) You don’t believe any of your thoughts.

2) Sense of self is universal.

Three Continuums your intellect goes through
  • Self
  • Time
  • Context: You go from "yes" and "no" —> "it depends" —> true only if useful —> one truth
    • Ex do you have free will? As a manifestor, yes, as trying to Channel or Be, maybe not. Every epiphany is a rut.

If you are intellectual, you need to go emotional to have the biggest impact the quickest. Internal knowing is the only guide you could possibly have in this journey.

Head or heart or gut awakening. Emotions drive our behavior. If you stopped having emotions you would never make a decision. Your intellect does not want to admit that! Most decisions are made to avoid failure, abandonment, or get that dopamine hit.

Lowin’s description of Emotional Process is really good but not a framework.

Joes framework for emotions

1) Recognize you have emotions, and the subtlety of those emotions. You never have the same emotional state twice.

2) Manage your emotions. Don’t get mad, be happy, etc

3) Inquire about the emotions (this is where most people don’t go). Literally what is it physically like to have that emotions. What part of body, how dense is it, where is it moving, is it really that bad, etc

4) I can relate to my emotions different. What if I tickle/ignore anger. What does it want, what its doing? Oh maybe its telling me something important, I care.

5) Find the joy in whatever is happening. I am angry but I love it. I am sad but I love it. I am experiencing it. Goal is getting to the point of loving all your emotions.

Most people get into self development is because they want CHANGE. Stop smoking, be happier. Emotional work is the quickest path to actually getting these changed.
  • we were all taught not to feel certain things. Dont be scared, dont get angry. when you dont get to feel/release this emotional energy, you will keep repeating that pattern until you have dealt with it.
  • this is a majority of Joe's Work

What guided experiences recommended for emotional work? Bioenginetics...but keep in mind, everyone focuses on their thing (Bio will ignore intellect, meditation will ignore emotions). You need to be developing all of these things relatively in line, or you cant continue to improve overall. BALANCE.

Pitfalls for self development:
  • You are never done
  • Trying, shoulds, wanting to get ahead
  • Blame for anyone or anything not useful
  • Early on, might seem like progress but then nothing changes (this is just how you learn, think of toddler walking/crawling)
  • Confusing the elation for the progress. The elation is not the progress.
  • You can't actually remember old states of emotion and development. You make progress and forget
  • right before big breakthroughs, there is a lot of fear. good sign not bad
  • development, first everything seems crazy. how can you have a regular phone call when you realize everything is one? need to live with it, learn over time
  • Teachers to avoid: not transparent, causes fear of future, not pointing right back at you for all wisdom, those who judge, those who create heirarchy
How does this work with business?
  • Sales technique is to teach people to have unconditional love for themselves, but he wont frame it that way! You cannot communicate without self love, too much judgement, no curiosity, agendas, ego
  • dont use any of this out loud: you meet people where they are, not where you want them to be
  • he uses tools to solve biz problem, but not for people unless they are ready

Audience Q & A