Wall Street University: Betting Market Presidential Election 2020

This eight-part series teaches Statistical Modeling, Trading and Portfolio Management via PredictIt betting markets. Parts I, II, III and IV have published. The remaining for four parts will publish over the next two weeks.

By the end of the series, you should have a good idea how these models work and how to apply them.

If you are a student or new to finance, read all the way through to go from the ABC's to a full investment model. Read the links for any concepts that aren't fully explained.

For someone that is already a portfolio manager or quant, the later parts of the series, especially Part VII, will be of most interest.

If you want to skip ahead to the best bets, read Part IV.


Part I: The Power of Models

Part V: Optimal Portfolios & The Efficient Frontier

Part VI: Polling Models, Internal Models & Large Portfolios > $20,000

Part VII: The Math, The Code & Visualizing 10,000-Dimensional Spaces

Part VIII: 2018 Elections & Becoming a Portfolio Manager