How to be Truly Productive

Made me realize have to introduce Quarterly reviews — for goal planning

But also need to make a “Life Vision” Page

Notion Productivity ToDos

Life Vision - priories, talents, passions, vision (align goals to this page)
Quarterly Review - goals, review life vision
Tighten up review of time use - do in q review? or monthly?
monitor goals monthly or weekly
are my value goals my priorities?
add review of last weeks notes to weekly review

Life Vision

1) Priorities: 3-4

  • what will you care about, fight for, die for?

2) Talents ( these do not mean passions)

  • whats easy, where do you enter

3) Passions - what gives you purpose and meaning?

  • do not have to be good at it
  • nature, tech, dogs, business?
  • if money was no object, what would you do?

Creating a Vision

Dreams require self awareness and introspection

Your vision is your unique path, it is not your goals

  • your vision is how you will holistically address your priorities

Can be 10 or 20 years

  • list your priorities, and your vision for each priority
  • Detail detail detail


So in this context,

Success is having your time aligned with your priorities, passions and talents in order to drive reality to your Vision

Do not manage your time or your to dos

  • manage your priorities and make sure they are always aligned with your vision

Money cannot be success, you have to go at least one deeper

Meaningful life doing what you want is classic definition

  • for many this can def be entrepreneurship (doesn’t have to be)


Fear of failure

But inaction is failure

Pay the price for passion and priorities —> do you want to pay the price?

This is why vision is not just priorities but passion as well

Vision —> Traction

100 Day Goals

1-3 goals per 100 days is more than enough

  • roughly 1% progress towards each goal


Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, based in time

Pareto principle, focus on 20% of goals

Goals require a Plan

1) break down goals into small goals and tasks - complete brain dump

2) order these sub goals and prioritize actions

3) set calendar reminders to stay accountable

4) chart your progress

  • get a number — should be something you control (ie outgoing calls not LOI’s accepted)
  • should do this in weekly review, o rmonthly


This is the number one highest bang for buck - have a weekly serious review

“Rocks” - rocks, gravel, sand, water (urgent vs important 2 x 2)

  • must must must find a system to address and stay in the “rocks” quadrant”
  • you will still get pulled out, its called life

Weekly planning is your way of staying on rocks

  • it’s like war
  • Vision = strategy
  • map = 100 day goals
  • attack = weekly review
  • weapons = tools (notion, etc)

Put your weekly planning session ON your calendar

Inputs = calendar, goals, projects, to dos, last weeks notes

Output = prioritize time, tasks and calendar

Weekly Checklist

1) Notebook, tasks from last week

2) Calendar

3) Put rocks ON calendar

4) break down projects into this week’s tasks

5) book calendar and to do boards

6) make sure everything has do date

7) review effectiveness of last week


Really the easiest if you have the rest

should take 10 min

do it night before, plan day around Rocks and Schedules

add in time blocks for anything else

follow sprint/rest/sprint/rest cadence