5 Highlights from How the Hell Has Danielle Steel Managed to Write 179 Books?

How the Hell Has Danielle Steel Managed to Write 179 Books?


How the Hell Has Danielle Steel Managed to Write 179 Books?


"There are no miracles. There is only discipline."


To pull it off, she works 20 to 22 hours a day.


The more you shy away from the material, the worse it gets. You're better off pushing through and ending up with 30 dead pages you can correct later than just sitting there with nothing," she advises.


And I feel that way. I mean, I want to go on forever, just writing."

May 19 2019 · This note was created with LINER By Stephen Longo

Highlighted Source : http://lnr.li/tLdyc/

Original Source : https://www.glamour.com/story/danielle-steel-books-interview