Nomadic Posture Thread - Posture correction/primal posture, with examples

Nomadic Posture Thread

By popular demand, here is a comprehensive thread on posture correction and my research into what I call “nomadic posture”.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I suffered from poor posture for many years, and only found relief by researching the root of the problem.

1. Ideal posture is elegant, relaxed, dynamic, balanced, and economic. It changes according to what you’re doing, but the basic principles remain the same:

- Maximized bloodflow - Unrestricted breathing - Relief of joint pressure - And economy of energy

5. Modern solutions to posture-correction use a model that does not reflect the natural hunter-gatherer posture. For an example of this, check out my thread on jaw alignment and airway:

6. The major way that the modern model disagrees is in the ideal shape of the spine. The diagrams here are from two anatomy textbooks; on the left, a modern textbook (S-shape) and on the right, a textbook i from 1897 (J-shape). Nomadic posture is even straighter.


7. Some examples of J-shape spine in nomadic posture:


9. That compression is caused by many modern posture habits; bending from the back, sitting with posterior pelvic tilt, and weak core. Nomadic posture maintains what would now be considered slight anterior pelvic tilt, but more importantly, it elongates the spine at every moment.


13. There are two main muscle groups that elongate and support the lower spine: the erector spinae on the back, and the transverse abdominis in front.

Find these muscle groups with your fingers and practice activating them. It will take A LOT of practice.


14. Engaging the rectus abdominis (the ‘six-pack’) is NOT helpful. If your spine is not already supported and elongated, doing exercises like crunches will only exacerbate a posterior pelvic tilt by pulling your chest down and hips forward.

• This is not good posture!


15. Instead, think of pulling your stomach in from the ribcage. I highly recommend stomach vacuums as an exercise to activate and strengthen these muscles. This will give you a sort of ‘greyhound’ look.


19. Sidenote for airway: tongue posture is a thing, and it will do wonders if you suffer from TMJ or sleep apnea. Glue your tongue to the roof of your mouth and breathe through your nose.

For more info, check out this guide on mewing:


26. The glutes are criminally underused in modern humans. Look at any picture of nomadic people and you will see some amazing butts. This is because nomadic posture uses the glutes all the time.

This is a good segue into walking posture.


27. Thick-soled shoes have absolutely destroyed the natural elegance of walking.

Modern people: - Step in front of the body - Knees lead - High impact - Long stride

Nomadic posture: - Step under the body - Toes lead - Low impact - Short stride

35. Standing

❌- Pigeon toes; collapsing knees ❌- Wide stance; locked knees ✅- Parallel stance; aligned knees


37. Shoulders get used to their forward position from modern habits. If you have trouble bringing them back, try a round of shoulder dislocations first.


41. Driving

❌- Splayed legs, misaligned knees ✅- Straight legs, aligned knees


43a. Walking

This is a little staged, so don’t take it too seriously. Here’s how most people walk.

❌ - Throwing legs in front - Exaggerated heel-toe movement - Long stride



✅ - Legs underneath body - Soft steps - Hips torquing

44. I should have written this earlier.

The hardest challenge I’ve had with posture correction is everyone else. A lot of people don’t want to be reminded they slouch. It makes them feel old and rickety.

Give yourself permission to look foolish in pursuit of self-betterment.

47. I defer to superior knowledge and expertise. MF stands for multifidi.


47c. I love that this thread is reaching people who can justifiably correct me!

48. Bending down to pick something up

❌- Bending from the lower back

✅- Hinging from the hips


49. Sitting at a desk

(I no longer have a sitting desk— I highly recommend standaing desks if it’s doable— so the keyboard will have to do.)

❌- Sitting on sacrum - Chest folding forward - Compressed lower spine

✅- Sitting on glutes - Chest upright - Extended spine
