Some Easy Investing Rule...
Some Easy Investing Rule...

Some Easy Investing Rule...

Some easy investing rules of thumb:

Never go long a SPAC (aside from an arbitrage) Never go long a merger deal that has a buyside vote Never buy on new lows and never sell / short on new highs Never short a story stock unless the story (and chart) has broken

Never ever get emotional about a stock Never buy preferred shares (unless for an arb / liquidation) Liquidations will always take twice as long and proceeds will be less than expected Never sell a stock to "take profits". Why bench your best player, coach?

Never buy a stock based off a sell-side reco The more complex the DCF, the worse the returns Keep each short <2%. Life's too short (pun intended) to be constantly stressed af No one knows anything. Even the best are wrong often.

Do your own work! No one else will make money for you (only off you) Constantly evolve. No such thing as "style drift", only progression Do it for the love of the game. Nothing else

If a stock you own is subject to a bidding war, never sell. You're the beneficiary of the "auction winner's curse"

The stock market is not the economy. Never confuse the two.